Mulberry Stoves
Cast a warm eye on life

In choosing a multifuel stove many factors influence the decision. Some people buy to reduce their heating bills, some for the comforting warmth that a wood burning stove brings to a home. Others seek elegance, or performance. And increasingly, many buy for environmental reasons - to reduce emissions or because cast iron is a recycled material. Whatever the primary reason, everyone seeks quality and value, and the deserved feeling of having made a wise decision that is going to provide satisfaction over a lifetime of warmth.

At Mulberry Stoves, they have a assembled a team of dedicated and experienced people who are determined to provide products that represent exceptional quality and value. In every respect their products are designed and manufactured to deliver on this promise, and the team at Mulberry Stoves will consistently go the extra mile to ensure complete satisfaction.
Mulberry Stoves are designed in their factory on the banks of the river Suir, County Tipperary, Republic of Ireland where stoves have been made for generations. Before a stove leaves the factory in Carrick on Suir, they carry out a 28 point quality check before it is shipped. This work is done by people who have been making stoves for thirty years.
The Mulberry Stoves quality system is certified to ISO 9001, and they are also certified ISO 14001 environmental standard. Mulberry Stoves are CE approved and meet DIN EN 13240 standards. You can relax in the knowledge that their Customer Support group is charged with implementing their commitment to make owning a Mulberry Wood Burning Stove a pleasurable and satisfying experience.
Their team has over 100 years of combined experience in making stoves and they are dedicated to Mulberry becoming synonymous with quality and value. Their growth in recent years is testimony to the fact that this is what customers appreciate. So, join the growing band of satisfied Mulberry Stove owners!
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